Inka trail

In the porters’ village, I saw how the farmers separate beans from dust by throwing a shovel of beans into the air and then removing the dust with branches. Something to think about next time I eat beans… The trek was absolutely amazing. I will never be able to tell you how beautiful it was,…

Cusco: Stay Warm

Last night I decided to use my sleeping bag instead of the hospedages blankets and to wear wool underwear. I woke up at midnight because I was sweating, which I find much better than freezing! Today i bought a thermo for 30 sol, and a watch for 10 sol. Now I should be ready for…


Yesterday I took the bus (collective) from Pisac to Cusco. They run all the time and I only paid 4 soles. My hospedaje is in San Blas, and the taxi could only drive to the plaze, because the rest of the way was stairs! It is quite a workout to be in Cusco. Each time…

Pisac ruins and festival

Today I woke up with a mild headache – due to the altitude. I woke up because there was music, church bells, and shooting outside around 6 am. The locals wake up early to celebrate Virgin Carmen. I forced myself into the shower even though I had to put on many layers of clothes to…


In the afternoon I arrived at Cusco airport after a bumpy ride with magnificent views of the Andes. A man came up to me and said Maria (I was the only blond girl there, so I was easy to find). He took my backpack and showed me to the driver I had hired through the…

From Denmark to Lima

Last morning at 5AM Danish time I left my home. 24 hours later I went to bed in Lima, Peru. At first, I was told that there was no seat for me on the plane, but after 30 minutes it was fixed, and I got to run through the fast lanes in security. At the…

I hereby declare my feet ready for the inca trail

I must admit that I am ignorant on the topic of hiking socks. I have heard that Marino wool is the thing when it comes to regulation of temperature, and this will become handy in the Andes where there is a remarkable difference between day and night temperature. I have decided to go both the…